Connecting with Loved Ones

Today's chapter once again had two stories but the one that caught my attention was of a young woman who quit her job and put school on hold to reconnect with loved ones. She spent 5 months traveling most of the country and parts of Canada visiting family and friends. When she returned from her adventure she said she came back seven thousand dollars poorer, yet millions richer with life experiences.
"When we give to others we give to ourselves as well, and when we do something special for ourselves it spills into the lives of those we love."
Today's task was to plan a visit with a loved one and create a plan of what I would like to do. Most of my loved ones live in Florida, and be that I will be moving there soon, I thought it would be great to reconnect with not just one, but three women in my family. I am planning to take one day a month to get together with my mom, sister in law, and my husband's grandmother by having a girls day out. We'll have to wait and see how God will enrich our lives through this experience.
Be devoted one to another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Romans 12:10
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