I never ran a day in my life before 2016. I hated to run! As my kids would say, "worst thing ever", that's what running was to me. One day my friend, Rebecca, decided she was going to take up running. Her goal was to run the 2016 RunDisney Princess Half Marathon. She thought it would be fun if we would run it together. I assured her that was not going to happen because there was no way physically possible that I could do that. But she was not going to give up, so she asked if I would be willing to give the 5K a try. I agreed... the first thing I needed to know was just how long a 5K was. A fter a moment of feeling perplexed and staring at the screen, 3.1 miles didn't seem that difficult. Still somewhat hesitant, I logged on to RunDisney, but secretly hoped the race was full. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I couldn’t go back on my word… so bravely I signed up for the race. Registration was in July and it was now September and...