In Review

I begin the month of March with an update of the last few weeks of February. This Valentine's Day weekend we went to Tennessee to visit my family. My husband and I attended a really nice banquet at the Tennessee Aquarium. Though I wasn't feeling my best, as I chose to wear a dress that did not flatter my body at all, I thought it was special to spend Valentine's Day alone with my husband. I also received the most thoughtful gift ever, a beautiful pink journal and a pink pen with a diamond heart and engraved on it were my name and website. I was so excited, no one supports me more than my husband and this gift not only showed his support but his belief in me and my passion for writing.
After returning home, later that week, my husband and I went on a date, something we do not get to do much of, to the Louisville Orchestra. Being a musician, I really enjoy classical music and it was so great to share that with my husband. The next weekend I got sick, my body ached all over and my throat was very soar. I spent the entire week without energy and no desire to do anything, hence no blogging for the last 3 weeks. I still haven't completely recovered as I have a continuous cough that doesn't want to go away.
This past weekend my good friend Rebecca and her family came to visit. It was so nice to have them over and catch up since we last saw each other back in October. I miss having my good friend living in the same town, but I am glad that we can keep in touch and see each other a few times a year. It's great to have close friends that no matter where life takes you, they are just a phone call or email away. Though my best gal pal lives 3 hours away, I have my best friend right be my side. Today's blog is on honor of my husband and best friend, who supports me and pushes me to be the best that I can be and loves me no matter what.
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